Semalt Erklärt Wie Sie Von Instagram Account Profitieren Können

Social Media hat in der Marketingwelt einen Hype gebracht, weil es sich (Social Media) als effizient erwiesen hat, die Botschaft potenziellen Kunden zu übermitteln und dadurch eine Reaktion von ihnen auszulösen. Nun, da wir über soziale Medien sprechen, gibt es eine Plattform, die sich von den anderen abhebt - Instagram. Mit Hunderten von Millionen Nutzern, die Millionen von Fotos und Videos teilen, gibt es keinen Zweifel, dass dies eine großartige Plattform ist, um Ihre Marke zu vermarkten. Sind Sie skeptisch, wenn Sie dem Instagram-Zug beitreten?

Entdecken Sie die Vorteile dieser Plattform für Ihr Unternehmen, beschrieben vom Experten von Semalt Digital Services, Ryan Johnson, und Ihre Ansichten werden sich definitiv ändern.

High conversion rate

Of the many social media platforms, Instagram offers a high conversion rate which is ideal for making direct sales. According to stats provided by Instagram Advisor, approximately 50% of all people on the platform follow at least one brand. In fact, 6 in every 10 Instagram users use the site to familiarize themselves with a brand. The report also revealed that 75% of Instagram users responded to a call to action posted there.

Brand augmentation

Sharing visually appealing content allows you to showcase your brand to prospective clients. With different editing tools at your disposal - effects, filters, captions - the content can be presented in different ways to depict different messages.

Great engagement

As the years roll by, the number of users on Instagram is rising. On average, the user spends about 15 minutes of his time going through photographs and videos. While this is less compared to the stats on Facebook, Instagram is the place to be for the brand keen on an image-centric platform.

The advent of handheld devices

With more and more people throughout the world switching to tablets and smartphone, Instagram like many other apps not only offer global exposure to your brand, it also makes it convenient for people to communicate with you.

Forming the Niche

If you compare Instagram to Facebook, it's pretty obvious that many brands have already established their presence in the later thus it is a challenge to unseat the dominance. However, as a small business, creating a niche on Instagram is much easier. In fact, it's the best idea.

There are no filters

Facebook uses filters to select an audience that gets to see a post. This is not true for Instagram. Here, everything you post is there for the whole world to see.

Increased SEO ranking

While it's always a good idea to set up a professional, easily navigable and updated website, it's equally important to have active social media accounts to boot. Instagram is a must-have alongside a LinkedIn, Twitter and a Facebook page plus, of course, a YouTube channel. The likes, hashtags, tweets and comments will definitely be a big plus.

Human beings are visual in nature. Instagram is the perfect social media platform for photos and videos. Combine them together and you brand will be featured among the industry leaders.